Meet an Angel

Earth Hippie (Raymond) and Pak Dave at Walker Pass Campground

Walking into the Walker Pass Campground after a long day, I thought the pony-tailed guy wearing tie-dye, smoking weed and talking about catching and eating rattlesnakes was just another of the many characters you meet along the trail. 

But he turned out to be anything but.  His name is Raymond and of course his trail name is Earth Hippie. Bounce, another hiker, and I were too tired to hold up our end of the conversation, so Earth Hippie talked for all three of us.  He knew the region quite well because he’d grown up in Ridgecrest and roamed these dry hills as a kid. He pointed out where the Kern River drainage was located and our route to Kennedy Meadows the next day, and talked about the best fishing spots. But his passion is Frisbee Golf. He brought out his discs and tutored us on how to throw each of them for distance and accuracy.  He plays every day no matter where he’s located. If there’s not an official course, he creates one from the landscape.  He told us the story of when he first tried LSD at 11-years old.

But the conversation turned interesting when he told us his 70’s love story.  During high school in Ridgecrest, he and his sweetheart had sworn eternal love to one another.  But her parents had no interest in their smart daughter having any kind of relationship with a boy known for being a wild child since birth and who was the town’s leading pot dealer.  They went their separate ways. Raymond, Earth Hippie, moved to Colorado where he met another woman and raised seven children.  His partner suffered from mental illness, and left him with the kids, and he ended up spending 28 years raising them.  When the last one left the nest, Earth Hippie let the universe know that he was ready to find a new partner.  This was before Tinder, and so he put the word out through energetic channels, he said, because he has a direct relationship with God and the universe.  I rolled my eyes at that.

Six women called him the first week, but none seemed to be a good fit.  Finally, via Facebook, he received a message from his old high school sweetheart.  She’d just finished up a distinguished career doing super-secret work in the USA and abroad.  She still loved Earth Hippie and vice versa.  Raymond told her that she had contacted him on the very same date they had fallen in love in high school.  She said that couldn’t be true.  He proved it by asking her to remember the password for the bank account they had started together in high school which was the date they fell in love. She started crying.  Earth Hippie told us that stuff like this has happened to him since birth.  They got together and looked for a place to live.  They liked Durango, CO…but his sweetie said no because it didn’t have a Frisbee Golf Course, and she knew Earth Hippie would be unhappy without one nearby.  They chose another town in Colorado. 

We said goodbye to Earth Hippie, set up camp and walked three more days to Kennedy Meadows.  I was headed back to Berkeley for Max’s birthday party and some R&R.  But getting home was not easy.  I spent the night in Ridgecrest and early the next morning was at a bus stop for the 3-hour ride to Bakersfield, followed by a 6 hour train trip.  And guess who showed up?  Earth Hippie drove up and parked on his way to the Frisbee Golf course across the street from the bus stop.  We chatted, and then I checked the bus schedule again because it was late.  It turned out I was at the wrong stop, and not only had missed the bus but would miss the train and miss Max’s birthday party.  Earth Hippie just said, “Why do you think I’m here, get in the car.”  He told me he was told to be at this park today by the Supreme Being, so he showed up not knowing what he was supposed to do but play Frisbee golf.  “My hair stands on end when God works through me,” he said.  He drove me to Lake Isabella fifty miles away to catch up with the bus.  He smoked weed and talked the entire time of course.  He said these things happen to him all of the time.  He figured out at eight-years old who he was, an eternal soul completely connected to God, the universe and every living thing in it. 

When we were approaching Lake Isabella, he said he’d been given another mission to pick up a PCT hiker.  Sure enough, when we arrived at the bus station, there was a guy who was ecstatic to get a ride from Raymond, an angel dressed up like a 64-year old hippie.


Pak Dave & HikeNBike on the PCT

Badass is when you traverse the Sierra High Line trail on skis.

Badass is when you hike and bike up Mount Diablo twice a week.

Badass is when you hike Apache Peak on San Jacinto Mountain in snow and ice with an ice pick and trail runners arriving in Idylwilde after midnight.

Badass is when you hike the Pacific Crest Trail one year after major surgery to get back in shape.

Badass is when you ride a bike for the US Olympic Team at the Mexico City Olympics after taking up cycling just a few years before.

Badass is when you summit Mt. Baker at 72-years old while long-jumping crevasses and passing younger climbers.

I could go on, but that might embarrass my new friend HikeNBike who I met last year in Belden while hiking the PCT.  You see HikeNBike is not a bragger. It took me several months of knowing him to learn these few nuggets about him.  It turns out we live only a few blocks from one another in Berkeley. 

Trail Angels take good care of OG’s in the wilderness. This angel baked cookies for the hikers that day.

There aren’t many PCT hikers my age on the trail. In fact, HikeNBike has a little more seasoning than me, but he’s a nice guy and slows down to my OG pace.  We were walking the Hat Creek Ridge just north of Mount Lassen.  This is usually a brutally hot and dry stretch but fortunately we were trekking in early June and it’s cool and cloudy.  We talked traveling.  He’s traveled, hiked and climbed on just about every continent, including some 20,000-foot peaks in Nepal and the Carpathian Alps in Romania, a place I’ve been trying to get to for years. We talked philosophy.  He completed all the graduate work for his PhD in psychology, but instead of making it a career, he steered into construction instead and became a master carpenter which gave him an outlet for his artistic talents, and the time to indulge his passion for climbing and hiking.

Back in Berkeley, he’s invited me on some of his “easy” hikes, like the Burma Road trail on Mount Diablo which heads up 4,000 vertical feet in less than four miles…in other words very steep.  He does it as a training hike, and likes to run some sections. I call it cruel and unusual.  I prefer training that involves carrying my clubs on a round of golf.

So, if you’re hiking Mount Diablo or Mount Tam and you see a guy cheerfully chatting to an OG behind him whose sweating and breathing heavy that’s likely to be HikeNBike and Pak Dave.  Give him a high-five.  Give me oxygen.

Beady Eyes

For more than 2,000 miles I was cautious with my food… carrying a bear canister even where it was not required or hanging my food from a tree. 

Most other PCT hikers slept with their food inside their tent or used their food bag for a pillow.  I thought they were dumb and asking for trouble, and in fact witnessed incidents of bears crashing tents to steal food while terrifying sleeping hikers.

But then 90 miles from the Canadian border and fed up with hanging my food every night, I decided to follow normal PCT practice, and left my food in my pack inside the tent.

The first night, no problem.  Same with night two. But around 3am on the third night, I woke up to a rustling noise, and then went back to sleep.  The noise woke me up again, and this time I shined my light at the pack down near my feet.  A pair of green, beady eyes stared right back at me.

I stunned that poor mouse with a blizzard of cuss words.  It scurried around by my feet while I slowly became fully conscious.  So now what to do?  Fortunately, it wasn’t raining so I pulled out my sleeping bag, pack, clothes.   The poor mouse was freaking out and racing up and down the tent looking for a way out.  Once all my stuff was out, I started whacking the bottom of the tent with a hiking pole.  It scampered out.  Now I had to figure out how it got into the tent.  I found a two-inch hole which it had gnawed into my expensive Big Agnes tent, and repaired it with Tenacious Tape and then went back to sleep for a couple of hours.

What a pain.  The next day at camp I was telling the tale. Another hiker had an even better story.  Her mouse friend had twice gnawed its way into her tent.  The second time, she trapped it in her titanium cooking pot, put it outside with the lid on so it wouldn’t bother her again that night, and went back to sleep. A true bad-ass.

It isn’t easy to reveal this stupid mistake.  I felt like such a dummy, and guilty that the little mouse will need Xanax to recover from the stress of our encounter. At my final resupply in Stehkin a hiker gave me some rope and I hung my food the final five days to the Canadian border.

A Tortoise Whose Really Fast

Tortoise & Me in early May 2021

I was pumped.  It was March 8, 2021, and after months of training and dreaming, I fist-bumped the southern terminus, and headed north for Canada.  Never mind that I got lost and walked a mile out of the way before even finding the terminus. Forget that my feet blistered up after only ten miles. Just ignore that my pack was too heavy from carrying about 5 pounds of extraneous gear.

I only saw one other hiker that morning and afternoon. The sun was shining, the air was cool and the streams were flowing.  I had hoped to camp at Lake Morena about 20 miles from the border that first night.  But the blisters, a late start, a recent COVID vaccine and a final steep climb to the lake convinced me to camp near Hauser Creek at the 15-mile mark.

Dog-tired, cold and hungry I was looking for a tent-site when I met Dave, a huge mountain of a man with a beard to match.  He gave me a jubilant greeting and told me about his first day’s hike, and how excited he was to be camping beside a veteran thru-hiker (Star) who he already greatly admired because her trail skills were top-notch as evidenced by her taut, perfectly tied-down tent fly. Dave’s tent looked amateurish by comparison.

Didn’t talk much to Dave that night, but he was up early and shouted out an enthusiastic good-morning and said he was excited because he soon would be eating a breakfast burrito at the Oak Shores Malt Shop in Morena Village. He also said he was probably the slowest hiker on the trail. 

I caught up with Dave later that afternoon at the Boulder Oaks Campground.  He told me a little of his story.  He’s an electrician, and like a lot of guys during the pandemic, he lost his job.  He also didn’t have a partner at the time, and to save money he’d left his apartment and moved in with his Dad. He was fiddling around on YouTube, and came across something called the Pacific Crest Trail. And then he began a deep-dive watching podcasts and videos from veteran trail hikers.  A few days into this binge-fest, he decided that maybe this would be something he could do despite having next to no backpacking experience and being out of shape.  He planned a hike on the PCT near the Cajon Pass where he ran into an experienced thru-hiker who told him her story of becoming a PCT trail junkie. He was hooked.

From that day he began to do training hikes in the San Jacinto mountains and elsewhere and to plot out what gear to buy and when to depart.  Unlike me, who would have preferred a later start-date, Dave specifically chose an early date: March 8, 2021.  He wanted to give himself time to work into physical shape and still reach the Sierras by Memorial Day.  The next morning, a four-day snowstorm hit San Diego County.  While I was trying to decide if I should just hunker down in the campground, Dave announced he was going to test his toughness and raingear by heading out into the storm. I thought he was a bit crazy, but after an hour of boredom in my tent, I broke camp too.  I met Dave in the afternoon where he was setting up camp along a creek and trying to stay dry and warm in the snowstorm.  It was a pretty location, but unsheltered so I pushed on to a campground about five miles north figuring if my tent failed at least I could stay warm in the outhouse. Turned out that wasn’t necessary for me, but another hiker spent lots of time drying out clothes in that five-star outhouse.

I hiked through two-feet of snow on the trek to Mt. Laguna where I got off the trail for a couple of nights to let the storm blow over.  With two additional storms on the way, I flew back to Berkeley for three weeks to let the weather improve.  That morning, I met Dave headed out again for the trail.   The sky was clear but another storm was predicted to hit in two-days.  Dave was concerned but thought he would soldier on.

I didn’t know if Dave had made it safely through the March storms and the treacherous San Jacinto Mountain.  I re-started my hike from Mt. Laguna on April 5th.   About a month later I walked into a spring just south of Tehachapi, and heard this booming laugh and their stood hiker Dave.  There was much less of him now.  He had lost weight and he was looking lean and strong. We caught each other up on our respective journeys.  He had acquired the trail name, Tortoise.  But I noticed when I walked with him over the next few days that he was anything but slow. However, he was still telling folks about how his pace was like…well a tortoise.

Tortoise and I were destined to meet yet again.  This time I was walking southbound just before the Lincoln Chair Lift at Sugar Bowl.  And who turned down the northbound switchback but a big, lean bear of a man, named Tortoise.  He was strong but seemed a little tired from his journey through the Sierras and was planning to take a week’s vacation to the beach with his brother.  I never saw Tortoise again.  I hope he was able to get through California before the Dixie Fire blocked the path.  But I bet he did because he was one determined dude, and after three months on the trail, in very difficult conditions, he proved he had the grit and the experience to finish.

Piper to the Rescue

Trail Angel Piper

After a night hike to the peak of Steven’s Pass, I began to simultaneously set up my tent, cook dinner and phoned a guy named Piper who my buddy Dancer had suggested would give me a ride to Leavenworth, WA in the morning.  Who says males can’t multi-task? 

It was late, but Piper picked up the phone and confirmed he would meet me at the bottom of the hill at 9AM the next morning.  We didn’t talk long, but I felt sure that it would be fun talking to him the next day.

I wasn’t disappointed.  Piper turned out to be a man of many interests and talents.  He told me about his career training pilots from all over the world to fly Boeing jets.  I was briefed on his adventures as a wilderness guide in British Columbia, and he described the many beautiful lakes that I had rushed past in the last two days.

But it was his job as a PCT Trail Angel that had really captured his interest the last couple of years. I say “job” because Piper was working full-time helping out PCT hikers.  He’s the main man shuttling hikers to and from Stevens Pass to Leavenworth and other places along this stretch of the trail.  North and south of the pass, just about every PCT hiker has been helped by Piper or knows someone who has.  And what we most remember about him is the gift he gives to each and every hiker: A song played on his flute.

Next year, Piper will reverse roles.  He plans to hike the PCT himself starting from Campo early in March and heading north.  God speed, brother.

A Special Tutor Gives Me A Gift

After a tiring, wet hike down from Pinchot Pass, George and I decided to make camp early near the Woods Creek bridge.  The sun made a surprising appearance, and I took the opportunity to dry gear and catch some Golden Trout for dinner.  After this feast, I found a granite bluff overlooking the forest for my evening yoga and meditation practice.

For Bhakti yogis like me, a goal of meditation is to build relationships with the Supreme Being (Bhagavan) and others.  Usually, my meditation is not particularly dramatic. Krishna arrives for a friendly chat, sometimes Saraswati plays a tune, Ganesha takes care of a problem on his cosmic Helpline or I just sit quietly with my own atma (soul).  But this evening a very bright wave of energy struck me right in the heart, and from there branched out to my whole body.  I felt like I was glowing while completely at peace and ecstatically happy.  Sorry, my language skills don’t come close to describing the experience. This pulsing, radiant energy continued for some time, and I identified it as pure Love in a form that I could see, feel, touch, and taste.

And then an image of Jesus appeared just in front of me in a seated, cross-legged position.  He told me that what he was giving me were the energy waves of Unconditional Love.  It turned out to be the answer to a prayer. In this blog, I’ve been writing about my mission to understand and practice Kindness, Compassion and Unconditional Love.  And here was Jesus right in front of me giving me a taste of it…pretty darn cool.  After a while of receiving this bounty, Jesus asked me if I’d like to send some of that Love energy back to him.  I gave it a try.  At first, what I sent was weak and intermittent, but gradually I improved.  My biggest challenge, however, was staying focused. Often, I would lose the moment, as my mind veered off to some other subject. Jesus told me it didn’t matter.  All I needed to do was practice to sustain the exchange of Love. I asked if he was here as my tutor, and he agreed.  Apparently, part of my curriculum in this lifetime is not only to have an intellectual understanding of Unconditional Love and to practice it, but to be able to feel its energy.

Over the next several days of meditation, Jesus returned to tutor me.  I got better at the practice.  It occurred to me that it would be helpful to give myself a physical cue to remind me to practice this new gift. Inspired by what Krishna taught in the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter Four) I began a breathing exercise to help me quickly reunite with the taste of Unconditional Love. I inhale to breathe in Love and exhale to share it. 

For several months now, on and off the trail, this breathing exercise has helped me to remember how to experience this ecstatic Unconditional Love.  This has helped me to extend the feeling longer as I build up my Unconditional Love muscles.   Sadly, I’m not living up to the goal of always remembering and never forgetting.  That may take a while.  And honestly, it’s a lot easier to experience the ecstatic feeling of love than practicing it in my everyday interactions with people. 

Fortunately, my tutor is patient with me, and is always there to help when I remember to ask.  I haven’t always had such a close relationship with Jesus.  While I grew up in the Christian religion, the churches I attended never really gave me a taste of him.  The rituals, dogma and culture of religion never spoke to me. However, that changed when I began to pray when I was in my late teens.  Prayer helped me to develop a more personal but still weak relationship with Jesus.  Later, I studied texts like the Sermon on the Mount, and this helped me to intellectually understand his very revolutionary message of Love…often far different than what the church had to say about it. When I became a yogi, I began to experience this kind of ecstatic connection first with Saraswati and then with Krishna. But this is the first time I’ve had this more in-depth relationship with Jesus.  I’ve always said a thank you to Jesus during my daily prayers but didn’t really have an energetic attachment with him.  Now I do, and I’m very grateful to call him my tutor.

Pot Farms….. on the PCT

A place dreaded by PCT hikers is the 20+ mile stretch hiking along the Los Angeles Aqueduct through the scorching Mojave Desert where there are no water holes and the sand burns through your shoes.  But I wasn’t having any problems at all because I was deliriously high off the fumes from the more than 1,000 pot farms in this area.

Hiking along the aqueduct is a weird diversion from the single-track trail I had walked on up to this point.  The big pipe sucks water from the Owens Valley into thirsty Los Angeles, destroying wildlife habitat, tribal lands and communities in its wake.  But who the hell cared because even though the air smelled skunky, I was hiking like a maniac, and giggling at my own jokes and eventually feeling a bit peckish.  So, I sat down on the cement road topping the aqueduct and pulled out my food bag.  I was ravenous, and ate not only a tortilla and tuna appetizer, but also two freeze-dried meals (Meat Ball Ravioli and Pad Thai) followed by a dessert of chocolate and trail mix.  

Los Angeles Aqueduct

I gained some elevation after my feast and began to see that the desert had been invaded by dozens of white plastic greenhouses. It was sobering.  I kept walking as night fell and the stars emerged, but then the spotlights turned on, and the desert became a forest of brightly lit shopping malls.  And then the trucks arrived.  About every 15-minutes you could hear an engine roaring as a truck careened down the dirt road next to the aqueduct. I later learned the trucks were hauling fertilizer to the farms, and taking the finished product to market. Fortunately, because of the engine noise and the glare from the headlights, I had plenty of time to jump off the road to avoid being hit.  These drivers could give a rip, and their commercial mission was far more important than any collateral damage they might cause to a careless hiker.

More than 1,000 pot farms are environmental hazards

Hikers aren’t the only collateral damage these illegal pot farms are causing to the desert environment and the communities here.  California legalized weed a few years back.  Farmers are supposed to obtain permits to grow pot, obey environmental laws, and pay taxes to local and state governments. That’s not how it gets done for much of the weed grown, sold and smoked in the state.  A Los Angeles Times story reported that there are more than a thousand unlicensed cannabis grows in this part of the desert.  They are causing havoc.  It takes a lot of water (150 gallons) to grow one pound of weed, and each of these farms cultivates thousands of plants.  Add that all up, and these weed growers are sucking up tens millions of gallons of water from the desert…which by definition is a place where water is scarce.  They also wantonly destroy wildlife habitat in their thirst for profit threatening critters like the desert tortoise. And if you live or walk by these fields you are assaulted by the skunky stench.

Weed grows threaten the Desert Tortoise

What’s even worse than the environmental degradation is how many of these growers treat their workers.  According to the Times story, many of these grows shanghai workers from south of the border and force them to labor in despicable conditions.  In fact, many of these illegal operations are run by the same gangs who run the drug trade in Mexico.  Criminal organizations from Russia, Laos and Cambodia are also getting in on the action.

I didn’t know any of this until after I had left the trail.  Frankly, looking at the farms, it was an interesting diversion from the tedium of hiking day-after day through the desert.  Around midnight I felt tired, and found a spot far off the road to cowboy camp for the night.  I could still faintly hear the trucks, but no lights were visible and that allowed me to see the night sky.  It was universe showtime with constellations, shooting stars, and the dense Milky Way.

108 is the Magic Number

How important is the number 108? Here are just a few examples from an article that appeared in

  • The distance between the moon and the earth is 108 times the diameter of the moon.
  • The distance between the earth and the sun is 108 times the diameter of the sun
  • The Sarsen Circle Stonehenge has a diameter of 108 feet.
  • There are 108 double stitches on a baseball.  
108 is “Nature’s secret code,” governing the dimensions of everything from the Great Pyramid at Giza to the iconic seashell called Nautilus.

Please add a comment if you know of other examples.

I’m told that ancient yogis believed that we could attune ourselves to the rhythms of creation by completing practices in rounds of this sacred number.  More importantly, my teacher Jeffrey Armstrong, requires his students to chant mantras precisely 108 times.  This is not terribly difficult when you’re sitting down in a quiet place and use a mala (prayer beads) which has exactly 108 beads.  It’s much more difficult on the trail while maneuvering around rocks, roots, snakes, snowfields, landslides and being diverted by breath-taking views.

I worked very diligently trying to chant a mantra 108 times. I achieved a C- grade on this test by the time I arrived in Canada. I used my fingers to keep track from 1 to 10 but remembering whether I was on 50 or 60 or 90 often eluded me.  That’s because a steep trail section required attention, I stopped to talk to a fellow hiker or my memory sucks because I’m old. 

I’m not sure if I received the truly auspicious benefits from chanting a mantra 108 times, but I found belting them out did provide some specific benefits:

Shiva statue in our garden

Om namo shivaya om shakti ma: Asking Shiva for strength helped power me up those 2,000-foot ascents.

Tryambakan ya ja mahe….Also invoking Shiva, this medicine song helped heal aches and pains from shin splints, plantar fasciitis, blisters and other assorted aches and pains.

Om aing namo dewi Saraswatyai namaha. Invoking Saraswati helped me to listen more closely to the sounds and rhythms of the forests, deserts, and other places I wandered.

Om aing namo dewi Parvati namaha. Singing to Parvati helped me find peace when I was scared.

Om aing namo dewi Lakshmi namaha.  A tribute to Lakshmi and all the mothers in my life.

The Nashringa mantra.. This invoked the mighty Nashringa, the incarnation of Vishnu as both a lion and a human to ward off evil spirits.

Jesus Loves Me..This simple nursery rhyme helped me communicate in a very powerful way with Jesus.

And many more. Because after all I hiked 2,200 freaking miles.

Bad Ass Trail Angels

Sati & Melody

I thought I was a bad ass for staring down a mountain lion at Peavine Creek on the Pacific Crest Trail. But then Sati rolled out their story faking out sidewinder rattlesnakes with rope and then jumping over them in three-foot wide box canyons in the Escalante Wilderness.  That forced me to go to the time in Nepal when a Tibetan monk held a knife to my throat.  Melody countered with their adventures para-gliding from the Uluwatu cliffs in Bali, Indonesia. I reached back several decades to the story about when my pack busted and I nearly drowned crossing the Waimakarere River in New Zealand.  They both shared their adventures jumping off peaks in the Sierras in their para-gliders.  And that was before we finished the first bottle of wine and the lemon and saffron chicken dish that Melody had prepared.

Captain Melody on the river

And on it went through dessert.  We had a great time.  Melody and Sati are educators and family friends who now live in Mount Shasta.  I fortunately found them at home, and they generously agreed to be my trail angels for the night.  They had hiked 700-miles on the PCT, and they knew exactly what hiker trash like me needed: A shower, a good meal, a change of clothes while my laundry dried and a trip to the grocery store.


They gave up para-gliding a few years back because they were taking too many risks, so instead they are now leisurely rafting the rapids on the Klamath, Rogue, Snake and other western rivers. 

Bad Ass Trail Angels that cook like…angels (PakDave & Sati)

The next morning these two adventurers were off to the Klamath River for a shakedown trip with friends.  I put on my pack and headed towards the Trinity Alps with a full belly, a treasure trove of new stories, and warm thoughts of good friends and BAD ASS TRAIL ANGELS.

Even their four-legged visitors are wild

Pancakes: Trail Angel Extraordinaire

You ever heard of Ridgecrest, CA?  Not me, even though I’ve lived in California for many decades. But I visited this desert town twice this year while on the trail.  And both times Pancakes (Laura) made the experience memorable…plus I gained weight thanks to her home cooking.

The folks at TC Outfitters in Kennedy Meadows connected me with her when I was looking for a ride after walking 700 miles from Campo. 

Pancakes offers reasonably priced rooms for PCT hikers, and she knows exactly what hikers need: Shower, laundry, groceries and best of all a hearty breakfast featuring sausages wrapped in her signature “pancakes.”

Pancakes has spent her whole life serving people.  She’s raised many foster kids in her loving home in addition to a few of her own and adopted ones. In her spare time, she cooks up lunch and dinner for veterans at Ridgecrest’s American Legion Hall.

Pancakes & Pak Dave

From Ridgecrest, it’s possible to hitch or take a bus to Bakersfield or head south to the Los Angeles area. But the town itself is interesting.  Ridgecrest is home to more PhD’s per capita in the country, mainly physicists and math wizards who work at China Lake Naval Weapons Station.  They in turn help attract businesses like Red Rock Books which houses all the classics, plus big sections of science fiction and high-level math puzzle books.