One of my first gurus (teachers) was Ibu Gedong Oka. I met her when Felicity and I were traveling around the world with backpacks. We took a long, dirty bus ride to her ashram in the beach town of Candi Dasa in Bali Indonesia. When we arrived, we heard the most beautiful singing coming from the ashram temple. I fell in love with the place at that exact point as I listened to what we found out were the ashram members saying their evening prayers. Mrs. Oka wasn’t there when we arrived, but we met her a few days later. She was a diminutive but very no-nonsense woman. She was born in a small village in east Bali but had moved swiftly up the social ranks earning a university degree at Batavia University in Jakarta, a rare achievement for a woman at that time. Just before we met her, she had started her ashram at Candi Dasa on land her husband had bought as a beach house. The idea came to her after visiting India where she had toured Gandhi’s Sabarmati Ashram. Her ashram’s mission was to help modernize her island by training young people in Gandhi’s values, providing them with an education and sending them back into the community to become leaders. Later she became a member of the Indonesian Parliament and after her death was honored as one of Indonesia’s foremost female leaders with a commemorative postal stamp.
Ibu Gedong and the ashram members welcomed us warmly and we joined in the routine of rising at 5am for morning prayers, helping out with chores and the garden and returning to the temple at sunset for evening prayers. She also taught us the values that govern a Gandhian Ashram which are:
1. Ahimsa (Non-violence)
2. Satya (Truth)
3. Brahmacharya (Celibacy)
4. Asteya (Non-stealing)
5. Aparigraha (Non-possession)
6. Sharirik Khedu (Physical Labor)
7. Swadeshi (Self-reliance)
8. Sarvodaya (Welfare of All)
9. Nirmalata (Purity)
10. Seva (Service)
We also were immersed in Balinese culture attending traditional ceremonies, visiting member’s homes and learning the language. Our intended short stay instead lasted six-weeks. I’ll never forget the blessing she gave us the night before we departed: “Jauh di mata. Dekat di ati.” (Far in eye. Near in heart).
Ibu Gedong was a pivotal teacher on my spiritual journey. The mantras we learned at the ashram stuck with us, and we regularly chanted them as we continued our backpacking adventure through southeast Asia, India and Nepal. We continued reciting them when we eventually returned to the United States. I also continued reading Gandhi’s works and tried to practice the values we learned from Ibu Gedong. We also continued our relationship with her for several decades. And we passed down the mantras and our love of Bali to our sons Lucas and Max.
When I first read Gandhi’s autobiography about how he developed his method of non-violence, The Story of My Experiments with Truth, I understood the history, but was confused on how he defined Truth. In fact, the story is about his evolving understanding of Truth as he confronted empires to lead India to independence. Truth means more than correctly stating facts. Indeed Gandhi took the term beyond its conventional meaning of being truthful in thought, speech and action. Ultimately he arrived at the idea of Absolute Truth which he defined as Truth is God.
“Truth is God, and truth overrides all our plans.”
Interestingly, however, Gandhi makes Truth an individual quest. He said, “Truth is what the voice within tells you”. It is a person who is the authority of this knowledge. It is not a cultural tradition, a Holy Book nor any social or state organization to determine the content of Truth. It is an individual in the final analysis, after discussion with others and seriously pondering, to make the decision.
To understand this better I consulted my teacher, Jeffrey Armstrong (Kavindra Rishi). He pointed me to the definition of Dharma to explain what Gandhi was getting at.
Dharma: From the root dhri—the essential nature of anything, which, if you take it away, that thing is no longer itself. For example, the dharma of water is to be liquid. Dharma is the basis of the English ‘truth’. Dharma also means to stand for what is true. Once someone knows their dharma, their duty is to live that truth. (From the Bhagavad Gita Comes Alive: A Radical Translation)
It sounds so easy; all you need to know is your essential nature. How hard could that be? It turns out that, at least for me, this was the 1,000,000 piece puzzle. I tried out a lot of stuff, explored many dead ends, consulted numerous holy books and gurus and dug deeply into my American, Irish, and Christian cultural traditions. Didn’t find it.
What finally helped was finding a teacher who could explain who I really was: an eternal, conscious, individual and joyous being from the transcendental exploring the material world one lifetime after another until I finish my degree by finding and living my Truth. After that awakening, things began to fall into place and after consulting with others, including Bhagavan (Supreme Being), I realized my mission at this point is understand and practice Kindness, Compassion and Unconditional Love. Writing this blog is part of my duty to live this Truth, but the hard part of course is to practice these concepts every second.
This is where Gandhi stepped back into my life. First, he explained that on our journey to find Absolute Truth we can’t always see it fully, and must practice with only a partial glimpse of it through what he calls relative Truth. This has been my journey…seeing only part of the Truth, and sometime getting peeks at the whole thing. He also connects Love and Truth: “Love and truth are two sides of the same coin.”
And finally Gandhi said: “Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected.”
Which brings me to Jesus who said: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).
So even if our culture tells us it’s naïve to believe in Truth, there’s lots of evidence in our own lives that we should run after it with all our hearts. As a wise person said: “Listen to the voice within, it will set you free. And that promise is true for all time.”
Every blog needs an adorable cat photo, especially if her name is Gracie
You can’t earn it. You can’t buy it. You can only receive it with gratitude. What I’m talking about is Grace. It’s given to you freely, abundantly and lovingly by Bhagavan (God). It’s yours to cherish while you live in the material world. It helps free you from the cycle of karma, and it remains with you when you return to transcendental existence.[1]
So what is Grace? All religions embrace it, and I will summarize their views in a moment. But I first want to share my initial experience of Grace. I was 20 years-old standing on the Berkeley shoreline at sunset, and for the first time I experienced being part of God and the entirety of existence for that moment and in all time. This was not an abstract experience, and I was not taking psychedelics or any other drug. It was a very powerful feeling of personally belonging in a loving universe in which God, the natural world, other humans, other animals including me were playing. I realized this way of being was what I had been looking for a very long time, over many human lifetimes. I understand now this experience is Grace. It’s warm and cozy and loving and it explains who you are, and what you are part of.
And then I forgot. I didn’t forget immediately and not entirely, but that experience gradually receded from my day-to-day life. It took a very long time to recover Grace, and to understand the treasure that I had been given. During that more than 40-year long journey I now understand that I was searching to find Grace even though I didn’t know that was what I was looking for it, and therefore I took a very long and winding road to rediscover it.
Grace thrives in Bali.
I began the search by studying Christianity, but that didn’t feel like my path. I looked into other religions as well, but they weren’t my way either. The quest took me to an ashram in Bali where I learned Vedic mantras, and saying those prayers over many decades really did help. It also helped to study Gandhi. My growing love with Felicity pushed me further on the rediscovery process, and when I looked into my newborn sons eyes I began to understand as well. I learned from friends, family, colleagues and even strangers. I learned it from doing service for others. But what really revved up my journey was finding a teacher, Jeffrey Armstrong, who finally explained what those mantras I had been reciting for so many years really meant. He gave me the vocabulary and context to understand my experience that day 46 years ago on the Berkeley shoreline: We are divine beings living in a world that is loving, cozy and fully connected in place and time.
Understanding the philosophy of the Vedas was huge step forward, but to actually return to living the Grace I had once found, I needed another teacher. I found him in Coimbotore, India. His name is Baba and he showed me how to taste Bhagavan (God) again, and once I found that taste I’ve never forgotten it. Once you know the taste of chocolate, you don’t forget it, right?
Oh, from time-to-time, I do forget, but thanks to Jeffrey and Baba, I have the philosophical and tantric tools to get back in the groove, and stay in Grace…for which I am eternally grateful.
Here’s how three religions describe Grace
“Therefore, O Arjuna, wholeheartedly take shelter in the divine refuge of My Being, receive the loving gift of blissful existence, and soon you will attain to My immortal realm.”
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18 Verse 62
In Vedic philosophy, of which I am a very imperfect student, Grace, the eternal and unconditional loving gift of blissful experience, is yours simply by embracing Bhagavan (God). Christianity has a very similar view that Grace is the love given to us by God because God wants us to have it, not necessarily because of anything we have done to earn it.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
Ephesians, Chapter 2 Verses 8-9
And Grace is a key element of Islam:
“God is the Possessor of Infinite Grace” and “He bestows this grace upon whomsoever He wills (or desires).
Quran, Chapter 62 Verse 4 and Chapter 57 Verse 29
Is it really this simple?
How can there be Grace in a world of suffering, pain and death?
What if I don’t deserve Grace?
How can I get some of that Grace?
Some context may help.
[1] According to the Vedas, (the ancient library of knowledge from which Hindu and other religions derive) who we are really is an atma or soul who is an eternal, conscious, and joyous individual being. We decided to visit the material world (earth, et al) to gain experience. While here, we cycle through various lives and deaths as humans and other animals. This is known as reincarnation. In other words we are eternal, conscious and divine atmas (souls) who go through many lives and deaths. Think of Bill Murray in the film, Groundhog Day. While in the material world, we are subject to the laws of karma which are the actions and reactions caused by the exercise of our free will. When we are finished with what we have come to learn and experience here in the material world, and are free of karma, then we, as atmas, return to the transcendental world from which we came. Note: Credit to my teacher Jeffrey Armstrong for this information. Any screw-ups are mine alone.
And if you really want to go deep:
For anyone interested in a new and inspired translation of the Bhagavad Gita, go to