You might have wondered why I called this blog TableStakes. In poker, it means the cost of the ante to be allowed into a hand. In business, it’s the minimum requirement to have a credible starting position to be in a market or to buy into a partnership.
But the game I’m playing is neither poker nor business. In this game, the goal is different than winning a pot or closing a deal. I’ve realized that the game I’m playing is to understand who I really am, and what my mission is.
I’ll go into details in future blogs, but after many decades of meditation, prayer and study, the message finally landed that what I’m supposed to do in this lifetime (and future ones too because I’m a slow learner) is to learn and practice kindness, compassion and unconditional love.
Now, how hard can that be?
It’s not that easy as it turns out. Truth is that I’ve not always lived up to these goals as my family, friends and some jerky customer service reps can attest.
But I’m clear on my mission now, and I’m actively trying to re-orient my relationship with the gods, my loved ones and all other beings based on kindness, compassion and unconditional love.
I’m using this blog to help understand and process my journey and to ask for advice from those that read it. Feel free to offer suggestions, lessons you’ve learned, books, songs or films that have helped you, and above all please call bullshit on stuff I say you think is wrong or inauthentic.
Welcome to the journey to become a better soul through Kindness, Compassion & Unconditional Love.
Yeay I loved reading it! It will be a pleasure to be a part of your journey Dave ❤️